2402712 - Rocket Nursing Camp Fund

The Rocket Nursing Camp Fund will be used to provide program support for The University of Toledo College of Nursing Rocket Nursing Camp.

Supporting Sponsor for the Rocket Nursing Camp

Help the UToledo College of Nursing to put on our annual summer camp to expose potential students to the careers available to them in the nursing profession. This gift will support the student’s camp attendance including food, camp t-shirt, UToledo giveaways and prizes. These sponsorships help us to keep costs low for each camper. Each camper only pays $25 to attend the camp. Selecting the $70 donation amount sponsors 1 student, selecting the $140 donation amount sponsors 2 students, and selecting the $210 donation amount sponsors 3 students.

If you choose to make an additional gift, it will go toward future college summer camp programs.

Step 1 Select Sponsorship Amount

Step 2 Make Additional Gift (Optional)

Step 3 Billing Address

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